blog para JKT48fans,pencinta alam,sahabat 5cm. ,bikers,photography and seorang mahasiswa tentunya

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

description text

DSLR Camera

Some people have many hobbies, taking a picture for instance. Taking picture is like painting. Since it is famous today, camera becomes a lifestyle. There are many cameras we can used. One of them is DSLR camera.

                There are  many types of camera. They are beginner, medium, and profesional camera. The example of beginner camera is the pocket camera. People call in it “camdig” but all camera in now are digital. Some people can use manual camera. DSLR is profesional camera but it is divided into several levels. Many equiments support DSLR like lens, flash ,etc. It DSLR produces better pictures.

                DSLR has high performance and quality. They are many accessory for DSLR such as lensa; filter; flash; tripod; etc. The price of a DSLR is 3 million up to 60 million rupiah, beyond the accessory the treatment for DSLR it self can be crucial, hard and expensive.

                DSLR is a gadget for photography. Now many people like camera. DSLR is expensive and sophisticated camera.

                                                              © copyright by Bayu BONBON putra

narrative teks

The Story of Good birds and bad monkey

One day there was a monkey. He wanted to across a forest, because he was in a fog. He searched the way out from this forest and went to mountain. There he saw a birds. So he asked the birds to take him across this forest be safely. The birds agreed and told the monkey to follow on him. Where as the birds knew the monkey always did evil things to birds. However the birds was good to monkey. Then the birds flied above the forest with the monkey below the birds.

Unluckily, it was getting darker, the monkey was very tired and very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the forest and said to the birds, “My brother is very sick. He has to break. He needs some food so he will be healthy again.” At the time, the birds was in dangerous situation and he had to think hard, because in the night this forest wasn’t safe.  There were many animal wild like tiger,puma,etc. The birds was afraid the monkey will be eaten by wild animal.

Then he had a good idea. He told the monkey to break and to starve back to the journey untill evceeded this forest. “Why?” asked the monkey. “Because at the end of the forest there was a good place. There are and many banana trees,” said the birds. The monkey agreed and turned around. He went back to go to the tip of the forest. As soon as they reached the tip forest, the bird directly flyed high. “Where are the good place and banana trees? ” asked the monkey. “I am sorry, i fibbing,because if you took a rest last night in forest,you will be the victim as wild animal ” said the birds to the monkey. The monkey thought hard. The monkey thanked a lot and apologied to birds because he was often ignorant. Then the monkey, promised not evil to brother all of the birds.

                                                               © copyright by Bayu BONBON putra

Jumat, 18 Januari 2013


Jawa Barat
Gunung Ciremay 3,078 mdpl. Kab. Majalengka
Gunung Pangrango 3,019 mdpl. Kab. Cianjur
Gunung Gede 2,958 mdpl. Kab. Cianjur
Gunung Cikuray 2,841 mdpl. Kab. Garut
Gunung Papandayan 2,622 mdpl. Kab. Garut
Gunung Kendang 2,608 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Patuha 2,434 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Malabar 2,321 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Guntur 2,249 mdpl. Kab. Garut
Gunung Talaga Bodas 2,241 mdpl. Kab. Tasikmalaya
Gunung Salak 2,211 mdpl. Kab. Bogor
Gunung Bukit Tunggul 2,209 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Wayang 2,182 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Kencana 2,182 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Galunggung 2,168 mdpl. Kab. Tasikmalaya
Gunung Waringin 2,140 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Masigit 2,078 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Tangkuban Perahu 2,076 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Tilu 2,040 mdpl. Kab. Bandun.g
Gunung Mandalagiri 1,813 mdpl. Kab. Garut
Gunung Sawal 1,784 mdpl. Kab. Ciamis
Gunung Cakrabuana 1,721. mdpl Kab. Garut/Kab. Bandung
Gunung Tampomas 1,684 mdpl. Kab. Sumedang
Gunung Sedakeling 1,676 mdpl. Kab.Garut
Gunung Calancang 1,667 mdpl. Kab. Bandung
Gunung Mandalayang 1,663 mdpl. Kab. Garut/Kab. Bandung
Gunung Karacak 1,638 mdpl. Kab. Garut/Kab. Tasikmalaya
Gunung Endut 1,474 mdpl. Kab. Bogor
Gunung Cuku 1,467 mdpl. Kab. Garut
Gunung Malang 1,308 mdpl. Kab. Cianjur
Gunung. Limbung 1,250 mdpl. Kab. Garut
Gunung Gunung Kancana 1,233 mdpl. Kab. Cianjur
Gunung Bangkok 1,144 mdpl. Kab. Tasikmalaya
Gunung Halimun 1,089 mdpl. Kab. Garut

Jawa Tengah
Gunung Slamet 3,428 mdpl. Kab. Banyumas
Gunung Sumbing 3,371 mdpl. Kab. Wonosobo
Gunung Sundoro 3,195 mdpl. Kab. Wonosobo
Gunung Merbabu 3,142 mdpl. Kab. Boyolali
Gunung Merapi 2,911 mdpl. Kab. Klaten
Gunung Perahu 2,565 mdpl. Kab. Wonosobo
Gunung Rogojembangan 2,177 mdpl. Kab. Banjarnegara
Gunung Ungaran 2,050 mdpl. Kab. Semarang
Gunung Muria 1,602 mdpl. Kab. Jepara
Gunung. Rahtawu 1,522 mdpl. Kab. Jepara
Gunung Simembut 1,308 mdpl. Kab. Purbalingga
Gunung Joho 1,303 mdpl. Kab. Purbalingga
Gunung Kumbang 1,216 mdpl. Kab. Brebes
Gunung Kadaka 1,078 mdpl. Kab. BrebeS

Jawa Timur
Gunung Mahameru 3,676 mdpl. Kab. Lumajang
Gunung Raung 3,332 mdpl. Kab. Bondowoso
Gunung Arjuno 3,329 mdpl. Kab. Malang
Gunung Lawu 3,265 mdpl. Kab. Ngawi
Gunung Welirang 3,156 mdpl. Kab. Malang
Gunung Argopuro 3,088 mdpl. Kab. Jember
Gunung Kepolo 3,035 mdpl. Kab. Lumajang
Gunung Suket 2,950 mdpl. Kab. Bondowoso
Gunung Butak 2,869 mdpl. Kab. Kediri
Gunung Merapi 2,800 mdpl. Kab. Banyuwangi
Gunung Krincing 2,773 mdpl. Kab. Jember
Gunung Kawi 2,651 mdpl. Kab. Blitar/Kab. Malang
Gunung Liman 2,563 mdpl. Kab. Kediri
Gunung Dorowati 2,556 mdpl. Kab. Kediri
Gunung Jambangan 2,492 mdpl. Kab. Jember
Gunung Bromo 2,393 mdpl. Kab. Probolinggo
Gunung Gunung. Pendil 2,338 mdpl. Kab. Bondowoso
Gunung Anjasmoro 2,277 mdpl. Kab. Malang
Gunung Argowayang 2,198 mdpl. Kab. Malang
Gunung Limas 2,162 mdpl. Kab. Kediri
Gunung Willis 2,069 mdpl. Kab. Kediri
Gunung Kelud 1,781 mdpl. Kab. Kediri/Kab. Blitar
Gunung Lamongan 1,671 mdpl. Kab. Probolinggo
Gunung Baluran 1,247 mdpl. Kab. Situbondo
Gunung Gondanglegi 1,095 mdpl. Kab. Pacitan